
World Gay Boxing Championships
Sat 18 Feb 2023 08:00 — Sun 19 Feb 2023 16:00

Event information

This event has passed.

The World Gay Boxing Championships will be held in Sydney in Feb 2023 as part of World Pride activities.

This event is open to all, irrespective of sexuality, ie it is not restricted to LGBTQI+ boxers.

Ages: Youth (17-18), Elite (19-40) and Masters (41-50, 51-60, 61+) .

Experience: Novice (0-5 bouts), Intermediate (6-10) and Open  (10+ bouts)

Only certain weight divisions will be available, as follows:

Women and non-Binary athletes*: 48-50kg, 50-52kg, 54-57kg, 57-60kg, 66-70kg, 70-75kg, 75-81kg and 81kg+

Men and non-Binary athletes*: 54-57kg, 60-63.5kg, 63.5-67kg, 71-75kg, 75-80kg, 80-86kg, 86-92kg and 92kg+

Participant eligibility

Participants eligible for the men’s and non-binary athletes’ division include cisgender men, gender diverse and non-binary people (assigned male at birth) and trans men who have been taking gender affirming testosterone hormone therapy for a period of 12 months or more (This is to ensure safe and meaningful competition for all athletes).

Participants eligible for the women’s and non-binary athletes’ division include cisgender women, gender diverse and non-binary people (assigned female at birth), and trans women who affirmed their gender before puberty. Trans women or gender diverse participants who affirmed their gender after puberty please contact WGBC for further information.

WGBC website:

Registration is via  this link. Registrations close 20 December 2022. Registration enquiries: